Group Exhibition | "There and Back"

The Festival of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities [2020]

Artist Statement

From my work over the past four years as a researcher of attentional neuroscience, I am committed to better understanding how & why consciousness arises. Currently, center stage to contemporary neuroscience research into consciousness, is the concept of self. Thus, in the following body of work I have chosen to focus on the boundaries of self, in particular where the concrete meets the abstract.

I am interested by what in totality constitutes the self and how it can be defined, in a complex, ever changing environment? What dictates the designation of self and others? What are the moral and practical implications in conceiving of self as an illusory construct?

In the following body of work, I took to visualizing and describing the human experience itself as an integrated node of a complex system. Setting it alongside the physical body and challenging commonly held beliefs of volition and ownership.